
Biokaminate eelised: Miks peaksite valima biokamina oma koju?

Biokaminate eelised

Biokaminad koguvad populaarsust koduomanike ja korteriühistute seas tänu oma keskkonnasõbralikkusele, kasutusmugavusele ja esteetilisele atraktiivsusele. Selles artiklis käsitleme biokaminate peamisi eeliseid ja selgitame, miks need võiksid olla teie interjööri jaoks ideaalne lahendus.

1. Keskkonnasõbralikkus

Üks biokaminate peamisi eeliseid on nende keskkonnasõbralikkus. Biokaminad töötavad bioetanooliga – puhta ja taastuva kütusega, mis on valmistatud taimsetest allikatest nagu mais ja suhkruroog. Bioetanooli põlemisel ei eraldu kahjulikke aineid nagu süsinikmonooksiid või kantserogeenid, mistõttu on see ohutu nii teie tervisele kui ka keskkonnale. See teeb biokaminatest ideaalse valiku neile, kes soovivad vähendada oma süsinikujalajälge ja omaks võtta säästlikku eluviisi. Lisateavet biokütuse kohta leiate meie artiklist: Bioetanool: Millist kütust kasutatakse biokaminates?

2. Korsten pole vajalik

Korstna puudumine on veel üks suur biokaminate eelis. Erinevalt traditsioonilistest puuküttega kaminatest, mis vajavad suitsu eemaldamiseks keerulist ventilatsioonisüsteemi, ei tekita biokaminad suitsu, tuhka ega tahma. See tähendab, et biokamina saab paigaldada igasse oma kodu ruumi, isegi linna korterisse, ilma ehitustöödeta. See mugavus muudab biokaminad kättesaadavamaks ja lihtsamini paigaldatavaks.

3. Lihtne paigaldus

Biokaminate suur eelis on nende lihtne paigaldus. Keeruline seadistus ei ole vajalik ja teil pole vaja spetsiaalseid oskusi. Biokaminaid saab paigaldada põrandale, riiulile või isegi seinale riputada. See muudab need ideaalseks võimaluseks kodudes või korterites, kus traditsioonilise kamina paigaldamine on ebapraktiline ruumipiirangute või ehituskoodide tõttu. Lihtne paigaldus tähendab ka seda, et saate oma biokaminat nautida peaaegu kohe pärast ostu.

4. Liikuvus

Biokaminate suur eelis on nende lihtne paigaldus. Keeruline seadistus ei ole vajalik ja teil pole vaja spetsiaalseid oskusi. Biokaminaid saab paigaldada põrandale, riiulile või isegi seinale riputada. See muudab need ideaalseks võimaluseks kodudes või korterites, kus traditsioonilise kamina paigaldamine on ebapraktiline ruumipiirangute või ehituskoodide tõttu. Lihtne paigaldus tähendab ka seda, et saate oma biokaminat nautida peaaegu kohe pärast ostu.

5. Esteetika ja stiil

Biokaminad ei ole ainult funktsionaalsed, vaid toimivad ka esteetilise elemendina teie kodus. Neid on saadaval erinevates stiilides ja disainides – alates sujuvatest, modernsetest mudelitest kuni klassikalisemateni – võimaldades neid hõlpsasti interjööri integreerida. Biokamin võib saada teie elutoa, magamistoa või õueala stiilseks fookuspunktiks, lisades teie kodule soojust ja võlu.

6. Kasutusmugavus

Kasutusmugavus on veel üks põhjus, miks biokaminad on tänapäeva koduomanike seas populaarsed. Te ei pea muretsema küttepuude hankimise, tuha puhastamise või ventilatsiooni pärast. Lihtsalt täitke kütusepaak bioetanooliga ja süüdake leek. Lisaks saab leegi intensiivsust reguleerida ja ühe täispaagi põlemisaeg on sõltuvalt mudelist 2 kuni 5 tundi. See lihtsus muudab biokaminad ideaalseks valikuks neile, kellel on kiire elustiil ja kes hindavad mugavust ja funktsionaalsust. Kuidas biokaminate eest korralikult hoolitseda: Täielik juhend ohutuse ja pikaealisuse tagamiseks.


Biokaminad pakuvad mitmeid eeliseid – alates keskkonnasõbralikkusest ja lihtsast kasutamisest kuni stiilse disaini ja lihtsa paigaldamiseni. Need on ideaalne lahendus neile, kes soovivad oma kodu või korterisse lisada tõelise leegi hubasust, ilma traditsioonilise kamina paigaldamise vaevata.

Biokamina valimine pole mitte ainult soojuse allika lisamine, vaid ka dekoratiivne element, mis toob teie ellu rõõmu ja mugavust. Lisateavet selle kohta, kuidas valida oma koju ideaalne biokamin, leiate meie artiklist: Kuidas valida oma koju ideaalne biokamin: Peamised nõuanded ja soovitused.


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Bioetanool: Millist kütust kasutatakse biokaminates?


Biofireplaces are becoming increasingly popular due to their convenience and eco-friendliness. However, the key element that makes them so effective and safe is biofuel, most commonly in the form of bioethanol. In this article, we’ll explore what bioethanol is, how it’s produced, and why it’s the ideal fuel for biofireplaces.


What Is Bioethanol?

Bioethanol is a type of ethyl alcohol made from renewable sources like corn, sugarcane, potatoes, wheat, and other plant materials. Unlike traditional fuels that are derived from oil, bioethanol is produced through the fermentation of sugars from these plants, making it a clean and renewable energy source.


The production process of bioethanol involves the following steps:

  1. Collecting raw materials: Plants with high sugar or starch content are harvested for processing.
  2. Fermentation: Sugars or starches are converted into ethanol through fermentation using yeast.
  3. Purification and distillation: The ethanol is then purified and distilled to produce high-quality fuel ready for use.

Why Is Bioethanol Ideal for Biofireplaces?

Bioethanol has several unique properties that make it the perfect fuel for biofireplaces:

  1. Eco-friendliness: When bioethanol burns, it releases only minimal amounts of carbon dioxide and water vapor. As a result, it doesn’t pollute the air with harmful substances like traditional fuels such as wood or coal. This makes it safe to use indoors with proper ventilation.
  2. No smoke or soot: One of the main advantages of bioethanol is that it produces no smoke, soot, or ash when burned. This means you don’t have to worry about staining your walls, ceilings, or furniture, unlike with classic wood-burning fireplaces.
  3. Ease of use: Bioethanol is very simple to use. You don’t need to chop wood or clean out ashes after each use. Just pour the fuel into the tank and ignite the flame.
  4. Renewability: Bioethanol is made from plant-based resources that can be replenished, making it a more sustainable option compared to fossil fuels, which are finite.

For detailed information on how to choose the right biofireplace for your needs, check out our article Kuidas valida oma koju ideaalne biokamin: Peamised nõuanded ja soovitused.

What Fuel Is Suitable for Biofireplaces?

Only special biofuel, usually based on bioethanol, is suitable for biofireplaces. However, it’s important to note that not all bioethanol is of the same quality. To ensure safe operation, always use certified fuel from trusted manufacturers. Certified fuel ensures:

  • Safety for health,
  • No unpleasant odors during combustion,
  • Clean and stable burning without excess smoke or soot.

There are also scented bioethanol options available, which add a subtle pleasant aroma to your space, making the fireplace experience even more enjoyable.

How to Use Bioethanol?

Using bioethanol in a biofireplace is extremely simple. Here are a few steps for safe and effective operation:

  1. Filling the fuel: The fuel is poured into a special tank or burner. It’s important not to exceed the maximum level indicated in the fireplace manual.
  2. Igniting: After pouring the fuel, use a long lighter or matches to ignite it. The flame will appear instantly and reach its full intensity within a few minutes.
  3. Burning: Bioethanol burns with a clean, steady flame, creating a cozy atmosphere. A full fuel tank typically lasts 1–2 hours of burning, depending on the tank size and fireplace model.
  4. Extinguishing: To put out the flame, simply close off the oxygen supply using a lid or damper. The flame will extinguish in a few seconds.For even more information on the safe use of biofireplaces, check out our article Biofireplaces / Installation & Operation Manual

How to Store Bioethanol Safely?

When storing bioethanol, follow a few simple safety guidelines:

  • Store the fuel away from heat and open flames.
  • Keep it in tightly sealed containers to prevent evaporation and leaks.
  • Make sure that children and pets do not have access to the bioethanol.


Bioethanol is the ideal fuel for biofireplaces, combining eco-friendliness, convenience, and safety. It allows you to enjoy the warmth and beauty of a real flame in your home without worrying about smoke, soot, or harmful emissions. Using certified biofuel ensures the long-lasting, safe operation of your biofireplace, while creating a cozy atmosphere perfect for relaxing and enjoying time with family and friends.

Now that you know what fuel is used for biofireplaces, you can choose the right fuel for your device and enjoy all the benefits of a real fire in your home or outdoor space!


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Kuidas biokaminad töötavad: Kõik, mida peate teadma

How biofireplaces work

Biofireplaces are a stylish and modern solution for creating a cozy atmosphere indoors or outdoors. They don’t require a chimney, run on biofuel, and produce real flames, making your interior warmer and more inviting. Let’s take a closer look at how biofireplaces work, their features, and advantages.

What Is a Biofireplace?

A biofireplace is a device that runs on a special, environmentally friendly fuel called biofuel. Unlike traditional wood-burning fireplaces, biofireplaces don’t require electricity, gas, or ventilation. Their main function is to create warmth and comfort without polluting the environment or leaving traces of soot or ash.

How Does a Biofireplace Work?

The main component of a biofireplace is the burner, which is filled with biofuel (usually ethanol derived from renewable sources). When burned, this fuel emits heat, water vapor, and carbon dioxide in minimal amounts, similar to the levels exhaled by humans. Learn more about biofuel in our article “What Is Bioethanol?”

  1. Filling the biofuel: The fuel is poured into a special tank (burner). It’s important to monitor the fuel level to ensure it doesn’t exceed the maximum limit.
  2. Igniting the flame: Once the fuel is poured, it needs to be lit using a long lighter or match. The flame ignites instantly and reaches maximum intensity within a few minutes.
  3. Burning: As the biofuel burns, it produces a real flame that creates soft and comfortable warmth. The average burn time of a full tank ranges from 0,5 to 1,5 hours, depending on the fireplace model and the size of the fuel tank.
  4. Extinguishing: To put out the fire, simply block the burner’s access to oxygen using a special lid or damper. The flame will extinguish within seconds.

Are Biofireplaces Safe?

When used correctly, biofireplaces are completely safe. However, as with any device involving an open flame, it’s important to follow safety precautions:

  • Do not overfill the fuel tank when pouring biofuel.
  • Never add fuel while the flame is burning or still hot.
  • Keep the biofireplace away from flammable materials.
  • Ensure that the room is well-ventilated to avoid the buildup of carbon dioxide.

By following these guidelines, you can safely enjoy the warmth and ambiance of your biofireplace without any risk. All of our biofireplaces come with a detailed instruction manual for proper use, so be sure to read it carefully. We care about our customers, which is why we’ve written a more comprehensive article on the safe use of biofireplaces.



Biofireplaces are an excellent solution for those looking to add warmth and coziness to their home, apartment, or outdoor space without unnecessary hassle. They are eco-friendly, easy to install and use, and require minimal maintenance. The live flame creates a unique atmosphere of comfort and relaxation, making any evening unforgettable.

If you’re looking for a way to bring warmth and style to your home, a biofireplace is the perfect choice. Pick the model that suits you best and enjoy the real flame in any corner of your home or garden! For tips on how to choose the right biofireplace, check out our article Kuidas valida oma koju ideaalne biokamin: Peamised nõuanded ja soovitused


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