Kuidas õigesti hooldada biokamineid

How to Properly Care for Biofireplaces: A Complete Guide to Safety and Longevity

Biofireplaces are not just a stylish interior element; they also bring real fire into your home, creating a cozy and comfortable atmosphere. To ensure your biofireplace serves you for a long time, remains safe, and maintains its appearance, proper care is essential. In this article, we’ll cover the basic principles of biofireplace maintenance, from cleaning to following safety precautions, and we’ll offer useful tips to extend its lifespan.


So, how to properly care for biofireplaces? It’s easy—follow our 7 steps:


1. Regular Cleaning: The Key to Safety and Aesthetics

Cleaning a biofireplace is one of the most important maintenance tasks. Unlike traditional fireplaces, biofireplaces don’t emit soot or smoke, but they still require attention. The main goal is to clean the exterior surfaces and fuel block from traces of biofuel and dust.

First, wait until the biofireplace has completely cooled down. Then, wipe the surfaces with a soft cloth and a mild cleaning agent. Avoid harsh chemicals that could damage glass or metal parts. Every few months, perform a deeper cleaning by wiping all surfaces and parts, including the fuel tank.

Tip: Regularly clean the glass panels (if applicable) using glass cleaner to maintain their transparency and shine.


2. Using the Right Biofuel

Choosing the right biofuel is not only a matter of efficiency but also safety. Always use certified biofuel specifically designed for biofireplaces. It should be clean, safe, and free from harmful impurities. Poor-quality fuel can contaminate the fuel block and glass, as well as reduce combustion efficiency.

Important rule: Never pour fuel into a hot fireplace. Wait until it has completely cooled down to avoid fire hazards or burns.


3. Safe Operation

Biofireplaces are considered safe, but like any open flame device, they require certain rules to be followed. Never leave a running fireplace unattended, especially if there are children or pets in the house. Ensure the biofireplace is placed on a flat, stable surface, away from flammable materials such as curtains, furniture, or rugs. You can learn more about safety guidelines in our article “Biofireplaces / Installation & Operation Manual”

Tip: Use protective screens or glass panels for extra safety, especially in homes with small children.


4. How to Prevent Stains and Damage

An important aspect of biofireplace care is preventing stains on its surfaces. Even high-quality biofuel can leave marks when being poured. To prevent this, use a funnel for filling the fuel tank. If fuel spills on the surface, wipe it off immediately with a soft cloth to avoid stains or corrosion.

Avoid using metal scrapers or abrasive sponges to clean glass or metal surfaces, as they can leave scratches.


5. Inspecting and Replacing Parts

While biofireplaces are known for their durability and ease of use, some components may need replacing over time. For example, the seals used in the fuel block may wear out, reducing airtightness. Regularly inspect the condition of all parts, including glass panels, seals, and caps.

Replacing worn-out parts will not only extend the biofireplace’s lifespan but also ensure its safe operation.


6. Proper Storage of a Biofireplace

If you plan not to use your biofireplace for an extended period, such as during warm months, it’s important to prepare it for storage properly. Pour out any remaining fuel from the tank, clean all surfaces and parts, and then cover the fireplace to prevent dust from settling. Store biofuel in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and fire sources.


7. Useful Tips for Longevity
  • Ventilate the room. Although biofireplaces don’t produce smoke, the combustion process consumes oxygen, and regular ventilation helps maintain fresh air.
  • Don’t overfill the tank. Avoid filling the tank with more fuel than needed, as this could cause the fuel block to overheat and become damaged.
  • Keep the nozzle clean. The nozzle is key to stable and beautiful flames. If the flame becomes uneven or weak, check the nozzle’s cleanliness and clean it if necessary.



Proper care for a biofireplace is not only the key to its long service life but also ensures the safety of your home. Regular cleaning, using high-quality biofuel, and following basic operating rules will allow you to enjoy a live flame without any hassle.

Now that you know the essential principles of biofireplace care, you can rest assured that your biofireplace will provide warmth and comfort for many years. If you haven’t chosen a biofireplace for your home yet, be sure to read our article, How to Choose the Perfect Biofireplace for Your Home: Key Tips and Recommendations


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how to choose the perfect biofireplace

How to Choose the Perfect Biofireplace for Your Home: Key Tips and Recommendations

Choosing a bioethanol fireplace is not just about buying another piece of furniture; it’s an investment in the comfort and coziness of your home. Bioethanol fireplaces not only create a warm and inviting atmosphere but also serve as a stylish element of decor. However, to make the right choice, it’s important to consider several key factors.


So, how to choose the perfect biofireplace for your home? It’s easy—follow our 5 steps:

1. Determine the Type of Bioethanol Fireplace

The first step in choosing a bioethanol fireplace is to determine the type that best suits your space. There are five main types of biofireplaces: freestanding, wall-mounted, tabletop, portal, and corner models. Freestanding and portal fireplaces are perfect for spacious rooms where the fireplace can become a central element of the interior. Wall-mounted fireplaces, on the other hand, are ideal for smaller spaces, saving room. Tabletop fireplaces are convenient due to their mobility—they can be moved around the house, creating a cozy atmosphere in any room. Corner models are a great choice for those who want to integrate the fireplace into the structure of walls or furniture. You can learn more about each type of bioethanol fireplace in our article What Is A Biofireplace Or “How To Create An Amazing Atmosphere?”

2. Size and Power

The size of the bioethanol fireplace should match the size of the room. In small rooms, a fireplace that is too large can cause discomfort due to excess heat. Therefore, it’s important to choose a model with the optimal power output for your space. Also, consider the fuel tank capacity—this will determine how long the fireplace can operate without needing a refill.


3. Design and Materials

The design of the bioethanol fireplace should be chosen based on the style of your interior. Modern models offer a wide variety of options—from minimalist and ultra-modern to classic and even vintage. It’s important that the fireplace harmonizes with the other elements of decor and accentuates the overall style of the room. As for materials, pay attention to their quality and durability. Glass, metal, and cement are the most popular and reliable materials for bioethanol fireplaces. They not only look stylish but also ensure safety during operation.


4. Safety First

Safety is one of the most important aspects when choosing a bioethanol fireplace. All our biofireplace models come with the necessary quality certifications, confirming that the products have passed all required safety checks (read our article about the Saksa TÜV kvaliteedisertifikaat). If there are children or pets in the home, it’s advisable to choose models with protective glass to prevent burns. Be sure to review the user manual that comes with each fireplace.


5. Price

Biofireplaces come in a wide price range, so everyone can find an option that fits their budget. Our fireplaces are built to last and provide the necessary level of safety and comfort.


And that’s how to choose the perfect biofireplace for your home.

Remember! Choosing the right bioethanol fireplace is key to the coziness and comfort of your home. By considering all the tips mentioned above, you can find the perfect model that will not only enhance your space but also create a unique atmosphere. In our online store, you can explore a wide selection of European bioethanol fireplaces to suit every taste and budget.


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Design Your Own Unique Biofireplace!

Loo oma ainulaadne biokamin!

Kui mõtlete oma unikaalse biokamina loomisele, siis aitame teid hea meelega selles!

Saatke meile e-kiri aadressile info@silverflame.eu koos joonisega ja/või kirjeldusega, millisena soovite oma tulevast biokaminat näha!

Proovige oma ideed võimalikult üksikasjalikult kirjeldada, et meie disainer saaks teile mõned visandid ette valmistada. Kui teile sobivad, saadame teile hinnapakkumise.


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Mis on biokamin või "kuidas luua hämmastavat atmosfääri?"

Vaatame lähemalt “Mis on biokamin” ja miks see on suurepärane kaasaegne lahendus teie interjööri. Kodu kütmise osas ei ületa miski kamina õhkkonda ja ilu. Romantiline õhtusöök, klaas punast veini (või tass aromaatset teed) ja tantsuleekide hüpnootiline maagia on suurepärane võimalus külmal talveõhtul aega veeta. Traditsioonilise kamina omanik aga ütleb teile, et vähem romantiline pool on puude lõhkumine ja tuha koristamine. Rääkimata sellest, et paljudel pole isegi korstna paigaldamise võimalust (näiteks linnakorterite omanikel). Küsimus on ka maksumuses: traditsioonilised kaminasüdamikud on palju kallimad, lisaks on vaja täiendavaid kulutusi paigaldusele ja sellega seotud paigaldusmaterjalidele.

Biokaminate puhul pole seda kõike vaja ja see pole ka nende ainus eelis. Põlemisel ei eraldu biokütustest mürgiseid aineid, ebameeldivat lõhna, suitsu ega tahma. Seetõttu ei vaja need täiendavat ventilatsiooni, mingeid korstnatorusid ega liitumist tehnovõrkudega. Kuid kuna me räägime tõelisest leegist, mitte imitatsioonist, soovitame tungivalt osta ja paigaldada läheduses tulekustuti!



Kuidas biokamin töötab?

Biokamin on nii dekoratiivne kui ka ökoloogiline kütteseade, mis töötab bioetanoolil. Biokamin koosneb kahest põhiosast: kütuseplokist (biokonteiner) ja biokamina korpusest. Huvitav fakt on see, et biokamina korpus on valmistatud katla terasest ja värvitud spetsiaalselt selleks välja töötatud värviga.

Kütuseplokk on biokamina funktsionaalne osa. See on konteineris, kuhu me lisame kütust ja süütame selle töö alustamiseks.


Biokonteineri leegiliin on ristkülikukujuline auk, mille kaudu täidame konteineri ja süütame kütuse, et biokamin käivitada. Kuna biokamina leek põleb kogu tulejoone pikkuses, siis on see oluline näitaja, sest tulejoone laiusest oleneb biokütuse kulu, leegi kõrgus ja kuju.

Konteineris on ka regulaator, millega saab leegi kõrgust reguleerida ja biokaminat kustutada.

Biokonteineri põhiosa moodustab imav siseplokk, mis imab biokütust ja võimaldab kaitsta konteinerit biokütuse mahavalgumise eest juhusliku ümbermineku korral.


Mis on bioetanool?

Bioetanool on keskkonnasõbralik kütus, mida toodetakse suhkrurikkast köögiviljakultuurist. Mille ekstraheerimiseks kasutatakse tavaliselt peeti, suhkruroogu või saepuru. Seega satuvad biokütuste koostisesse ainult looduslikud komponendid. Bioetanool ei eralda põlemisel küttepuudele ja söele iseloomulikke elemente: sädemeid, tahma ega suitsu. Kütuse põletamise käigus tekib vaid väike osa süsihappegaasi ja veeauru. Seetõttu ei vaja seade õhupuhastit ja korstnat.


Kui kaua biokamin põleb?

Olenevalt biomahuti suurusest põleb 1 liiter bioetanooli 2-5 tundi.


Kas biokaminat saab kasutada toa põhiküttena?

Kuna biokamin ei vaja väljalasketoru, tähendab see, et kogu soojus, mis kütuseplokki põlemisel eraldub, läheb otse ruumi, kus see asub. Kuid kõik sõltub kahest omavahel seotud olulisest tegurist – biomahuti (kütuseploki) suurusest ja ruumi suurusest.

Mis on siis biokamina kasutegur? Asjatundjate sõnul toodab töötav biokamin soojusvõimsust, mis võrdub kahe elektrikerise võimsusega. Seega on biokamina kasutegur 90-95%. Kui me räägime võimsusest, on see 30 cm kütuseploki jaoks ligikaudu 1,3 kW. Mis tähendab, et 18 ruutmeetri suuruses ruumis võib see küll paari kraadi võrra temperatuuri tõsta, kuid ei saa siiski olla peamine soojusallikas.

MÄRKUS! Ärge unustage ruumi aeg-ajalt ventileerida, küllastades seda värske hapnikuga, kuid vältige tuuletõmbust

Biokaminad vajavad töötamiseks hapnikku, seetõttu tuleks seda kasutada kas üsna avatud ruumis või väikese pindalaga ruumis kasutamisel avada alati uks või aken. Kui teil tekivad peavalud, ummikud või ebamugavustunne, viitab see ebapiisavale õhuringlusele ruumis.


Milline peaks olema ruumi suurus?

Üks põnevamaid küsimusi üldse on see, kui suur peaks olema ruum, et sinna biokamin paigutada? Uurime välja!

Nagu varem arutlesime, ei saa biokamin küll maja põhikütet asendada, kuid kindlasti soojendab ja neelab hapnikku, mistõttu pole eriti suure biomahutiga biokaminat mõtet väikesesse ruumi panna. Vastasel juhul muutub see liiga kuumaks ja umbseks. Allpool oleme esitanud tabeli soovitustega biokonteineri valimiseks, võttes arvesse ruumi suurust.


Valides meie kodulehelt biokamina, saate valitud biokamina kaardil näha, millist biokonteinerit see sisaldab

Kui palju biokamin maksab?

Õnneks on biokaminate hinnaklass väga lai. Biokaminate hind võib alata 50€ -st ja ulatuda üle 1500€, mis tähendab, et igaüks leiab oma eelarvele sobiva variandi. Näiteks meie sortimendis on üle 100 erineva biokamina ja nendega saad tutvuda minnes poe lehele sellel lingil..

Mis tüüpi biokaminaid on olemas?

Kirjeldame 5 peamist biokaminatüüpi:


1. Laua biokaminad

Väikseim on laua biokamin. Need võivad olla 30*30*20 cm suurused ja kaaluda vaid 4 kg. Väikeste kaminate eelisteks on see, et neid saab toast tuppa liigutada, need on mobiilsed, ei võta palju ruumi ja sobivad ideaalselt kingituseks. Elava tulega saab hubase õhkkonna luua igas oma kodunurgas, pealegi ei nõua minikaminad palju kütust – kütuseploki maht kõige väiksemas on vaid 200 milliliitrit!

2. Vabalt seisvad biokaminad

Vabalt seisev biokamin mitte ainult ei sobi ideaalselt igasse interjööri, vaid suurendab ka selle atraktiivsust. Kuigi see on suurem kui laua-biokamin, on see siiski mobiilne ja soovi korral teisaldatav teise tuppa. Biokaminad on autonoomsed ega vaja erilist kokkupanekut. Soodsate ilmastikutingimuste korral võib sellest saada terrassi või aia meeldiv kaunistus.

Biokamin «Romeo» must
Biokamin «Romeo» must
3. Portaali biokaminad

Portaaltüüpi biokaminad on üks populaarsemaid, sarnasuse tõttu klassikalise kaminaga. Kuid erinevalt klassikalistest kaminatest ei vaja biokaminad korstnat, mis tähendab, et neid saab paigutada linnakorterisse. Nende esteetiline ingliskeelne disain on suurepärane kaunistus teie elutuppa, mille kõrval on mõnus veeta külmad õhtud klaasi veini või tassi kuuma tee ja lemmikraamatuga.



4. Seinale paigaldatavad biokaminad

Seinale paigaldatav biokamin on suurepärane võimalus, kui soovite paigaldada biokamina "silmade kõrgusele". Seinale paigaldatavad biokaminad jagunevad kahte tüüpi – mida saab lihtsalt seinale riputada ja mida saab seina sisse ehitada (või ehitada neile spetsiaalne nišš).

Esimesel juhul tuleb lihtsalt seina sisse puurida augud, sisestada komplektis olevad tüüblid ja konksud ning riputada nende külge biokamin (veenduge eelnevalt, et teie valitud sein peab vastu biokamina raskusele) .

Juhul, kui on soov ehitada biokaminale nišš, saate seda teha ise (meie näpunäiteid biokamina niši ehitamiseks saate lugeda meie blogist) või paluda abi professionaalidelt.



5. Nurga biokaminad

Ja lõpuks – nurgas asuvad biokaminad. Seina sisse ehitatud nurga biokaminad on kõige ebatavalisemad tüübid, nende eriline nurgeline kuju saab teie interjööri tipphetkeks, mida saab imetleda mitmest ruumist korraga.


Oluline on paigaldada biokamin tasasele pinnale


Kas biokamin on ohutu ja mis on TÜV kvaliteedisertifikaat?

Biokamin pole mitte ainult kaunis sisustuselement, vaid ka tõeline tuli! Enne kasutamist lugege kindlasti tootele lisatud kasutusjuhendit.

TÜV kvaliteedisertifikaadi kohta saate lugeda meie artiklist siin.



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Biokaminad / Paigaldus- ja kasutusjuhend

This document is an essential part of the product. This Manual, including all photos, figures and trademarks, is copyright-protected. The Manufacturer reserves its right to correct and modify this Manual without any obligation of prior notice. For further information, go to www.silverflame.eu. NB! In case of contradictions in writing in different languages, the English version will be considered the official version.




•Always follow all applicable local laws and standards when installing and using the product.
•Read and understand this Manual before attempting to install or operate the product.
•This product is not designed for continuous operation.
•The biofireplace is a decorative product intended for indoor use and periodic outdoor use on patios and balconies, if shelter is provided against inclement weather (including wind, rain, low temperatures and high humidity).
•Operate the product only as permitted herein.
•Keep out of reach of children!
•Never leave the product unattended when in use.
•Do not leave the product burning when unattended.
•Use in well ventilated indoor spaces.
•Use the bio fuel grade specified by the Manufacturer (the recommended product is BIO-DECO bio fuel).
• Do not overfill beyond the maximum capacity shown by the MAX mark on the bio-fuel canister
•Never place any combustible or flammable materials on this product.
•Make sure that the wall / table top / floor on which the product will stand / hang is sound and strong enough to support the product’s weight.
•Do not attempt to modify the bioireplace.
•Caution! The biofireplace is hot when it burns.
•Do not artificially feed the fire with jets or gusts of air.
•If the Bio Fireplace features convective (air) heating grates or air vents, keep them open and never obscure or close them with anything.
•Keep the bio fuel at ambient temperature and away from all fire hazard zones according to applicable local regulations.
•Keep a working fire extinguisher certified for ethanol-fuelled fire in room in which the product is installed (the correct fire extinguisher charge is CO2; alternatively, a fire safety blanket will be sufficient).
•Use original service parts only.
•The absorbing insert in the bio-fuel canister will degrade over time. Replace it every two years.
•The Manufacturer allows only the decorative accessories sold by www.silverflame.eu to be placed inside the fireplace hearth.
•Never place any decorative accessories directly over the biofireplace burner.



Install the bio-fuel canister only with the biofireplace already installed at the location of use. Keep the biofireplace at least 1 m away from all combustible materials and products. Before installing the biofireplace, make sure that the room it is to be used in has a sufficient natural ventilation system and no air supply grate is closed or otherwise obstructed. Do not use the biofireplace in rooms with an internal volume below 40 m3. More than one biofireplace can be used in a single room if their total fuel consumption does not exceed 0.6 l/h and sufficient additional ventilation is ensured. The ventilation should change the full air volume in the room at least once an hour.

The biofireplace for permanent built-in installation shall be attached on a flat or corner wall, or for drop-in installation in a wall recess made in a non combustible material or made of building boards (e.g. fire-rated drywall panels). Depending on the biofireplace model, its back panel may feature holes required for suspended installation or round holes for direct bolting to the installation substrate. The dedicated installation bolts and wall plugs are supplied with the product as required by its model. If the biofireplace has not been securely fastened in place, adjust the bolt tightening torque properly. The “Oscar” biofireplace must be fastened with the included installation rail. If the biofireplace is dropped into a wall recess, maintain the required gap between the biofireplace and its casing within the wall recess (10 mm minimum).


Standalone biofireplace do not require permanent fastening to any structural component. Some standalone product versions may require assembly before use. Tabletop biofireplace are standalone products which can be placed directly on furniture or wall shelves. Depending on the biofireplace model, it may have a glazing system included with a special base for the glass pane assembly.



Light the fire in the biofireplace once its installation has been completed. Do not refuel with the bio fuel when the biofireplace is burning. Do not light the fire in the product when hot. The bio-fuel canister will remain hot for up to 1 hour after the fire has died out. Inspect the bio-fuel canister for integrity and leaks every time before refuelling. The bio-fuel canister features a safety absorbing insert to prevent spilling the bio fuel if the biofireplace is tilted or falls to a side. Do not overfill beyond the maximum capacity shown by the MAX mark on the bio-fuel canister. Do not light the biofireplace if overfilled with the fuel. If the bio fuel is spilled, immediately wipe it off all surfaces with paper towel. Light the biofireplace with long fireplace matches or a fireplace lighter. The flames have the right colour and height after 15 minutes from lighting. The flame height depends on the ventilation of the room. The bio-fuel canisters with a sliding damper allow adjusting the flame height by moving the handle to set the sliding damper opening ratio. Adjust the flame height so that the top section of the biofireplace body is not exposed directly to fire. Keep a safe distance of 0.5 m minimum from the biofireplace when lit and burning. Depending on the model, the fuel consumption may vary from 0.2 l/h to 0.6 l/h.



To extinguish the flame in the biofireplace, operate the handle to close the sliding damper and isolate the air flow from the burner. Before re-lighting the biofireplace, wait for it to cool down to ambient temperature. Never put out the biofireplace with water or any liquid. If the spilled bio fuel is ignited, use a dry powder fire extinguisher or smother the fire with a nonflammable material. The biofireplace without a sliding damper are put out by isolating the air from the burner with a dedicated snuffer included with the product.



Maintain the product only when it has been put out and cooled down. Clean the biofireplace frequently. Clean the installation parts and the bio-fuel canister with a damp cloth and a non- corrosive detergent suitable for the surface you clean. If the biofireplace has a glass pane, clean it with commercially available household glass cleaners.



If the biofireplace has already been lit, it cannot be replaced or returned on warranty claims. The Manufacturer guarantees proper operation of the absorbing insert for 2 years from the original date of purchase. The buyer is required to read and understand the Installation & Operation Manual. If you wish to claim a defect in the product, serve a complaint report with the proof of purchase. These documents are required for the warranty complaint procedure to begin. Your complaint will be examined in 14 working days from the date of claiming the defects on warranty, in writing. Warranty claims can be served with an on-line form at www.silverflame.eu or e-mailed to info@silverflame.eu. Please also read our Müügitingimused before filing a complaint. You can also find the application form there.



Ceramic wood for biofireplaces is a perfect decoration for both hanging and standing biofireplaces. They imitate different types of trees, in this case birch trees. Because during their operation, biofireplaces are close to fire, they are resistant to high temperatures. The decorative element should not block the burner. Placing the decoration in the flame can affect the formation of soot. Do not touch the decoration until it has cooled down, at least 30 minutes after switching off the burner. For safety reasons, do not use any other decoration material apart from the adapted accessories.



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TÜV-quality certificate

Saksa TÜV kvaliteedisertifikaat

TÜV kvaliteedisertifikaadi ajalugu

TÜV Rhineland asutati juba 1872. aastal, kui rühm Saksa eraettevõtjaid nõustus asutama Aurukatelde Inspektsiooni Organisatsiooni (DÜV – Dampfkessel Überwachungsvereine). Organisatsiooni ülesandeks oli kontrollida katelde tehnilist ohutust. Aja jooksul tekkis just sellest organisatsioonist kaasaegne TUV Rheinland Group.


Tänapäeval tegutseb GS TÜV Rheinland, mille peakontor asub Kölnis, järgmistes tööstusharudes:

– Certification of management systems
– Product certification
– Industrial services
– Life safety
– Training and consulting
– Transport

Ettevõtte aastakäive ületab 1,3 miljardit eurot (2010) ning enam kui 500 esinduses üle maailma töötab 14 400 spetsialisti, neist 6770 Saksamaal (2011).


Firmamärk, GS TÜV Rheinland märgistus, tähendab - “testitud ja ohutu”. Selle märgi saab tootele anda ainult TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH. Tähelepanuväärne on, et tootja saab selle märgistuse oma tootele hankida ainult vabatahtlikult, pöördudes ettevõtte poole oma toote sertifitseerimise taotlusega. TÜV eksperdid kontrollivad kaupu sõltumatus laboris mitte ainult tootja nõudmisel, vaid ka perioodiliselt kogu sertifikaadi kehtivusaja jooksul juhuslikult valitud vastvalminud tootenäidiseid. Seetõttu on teadlike tarbijate jaoks tootel olev TÜV-märgistus väga kaalukas.


TÜV sertifikaati on võimalik saada ainult tõeliselt usaldusväärsete ja ohutute toodetega. Seetõttu on see tänapäeval Saksa kvaliteedimärgi analoog.

GS TUV Rheinlandi sertifitseerimistingimused:

– sertifitseerimine on eranditult vabatahtlik

– viivad läbi objektiivsed ja erapooletud eksperdid

– kõik testid on läbi viidud sõltumatus laboris

– toote tootmise kontroll toimub kogu sertifikaadi kehtivusaja jooksul.


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